Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Science and beer?

I'm starting this blog for several reasons.

First, I want to learn how to write better. I'm a graduate student and one of the most important things about being in science, is learning how to effectively communicate your results with the world.

Second, Science is a passion of mine. Rarely do I find a scientific article, news piece, talk that is not interesting. I want a forum to summarize my ideas about things, and hopefully teach others what I have learned from reading scientific literature.

Lastly, I'm a huge fan of beer. Its fun to learn about, explore, and consume. Now, I'm not a raging alcoholic (I rarely have more than 1 beer a day, if at all), but I really enjoy talking and learning about the science of making beer and creating the interesting flavors that develop from this process. To this end, I want a forum to write about the flavors I uncover when I drink a beer, so I'm going to try and write objectively about what I taste. I'm also an avid homebrewer (I make beer in my basement... yes, its legal) and part of the fun is creating new recipes, making them, and sharing the beer with friends.

I hope you enjoy reading this site.

-Jud Schneider

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