Friday, March 21, 2008

Bell's Pale Ale

Let me be frank: I love Bell's beers. This is my favorite brewery in the whole world. They make interesting beers, that have such awesome subtle flavors. The Pale Ale is no exception.

Malty aroma, without being sweet. Wonderful bouquet of fruity esters; not overpowering though. Big frothy white head. Very mild yet spicy aroma. The malt really comes through, as well as the spicy phenols from the yeast. Tasting is a similar experience. This is a well balanced beer, but the emphasis is on the malt. The finish is very malty. Its a smooth drinking beer with a lot of character.

I don't think they use any specialty malts; all pale ale malt. It tastes like British marris otter, but I'm not sure.

Overall this is a great pale ale. If you like pale ales, I would recommend trying it. Its definitely got some spice to it; this represents Bell's unique twist on this classic style.

9 out of 10.

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