Saturday, July 12, 2008

New belgium fat tire

New Belgium is now in Tennessee!!!  Fat Tire has to be one of my favorite beers.  I've had new belgium beers a couple of times and really enjoyed them.  

When this beer is opened, its has a playground of flavors that meld together wonderfully.  The spicy nose tingles with clove and roasted cinnamon (if you can imagine such a thing).  Up front this beer is fruity, but that mellows into a light toasty flavor.  Then the biscuit flavor hits you and its just great.  What is great is that there is just a touch of noble hop flavor in this beer thats almost not there, but just winks at you from the corner.   "How ya doin?  Yep, I'm still here."  

One of the things I appreciate about this beer (and maybe its just this batch because I didn't recall this from previous tastings), is the soft malt flavor.  Its not over carbonated, so you don't get that massive bite in the beginning.  I appreciate this actually.  Its nice and subtle, but a little lower carbonation can go a long way.  

I tend to undercarbonate my beers when I brew them.  They're not flat, but have maybe 1.5 - 2 volumes of CO2, which for most styles of beer is on the low end.  Maybe its just my taste buds, but I feel that it lets the flavor of the beer come out more.  It seems that that acidic carbonic bite can cover alot of flavor in the beer that would otherwise be missed.  

Ah, but I digress.  Get this beer.  Mine was really FRESH too.  Its great.  9/10

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